Today is our last day in Beijing. Our guide Rocky has been amazing and we have seen sooo much BUT I am ready to get to Nanjing to got get our baby girl!!!!! Today in Beijing we did a Rickshaw tour of the Old Beijing "Hutong" District. This was so fun! At first I didn't thing the driver was going to be able to get Scott and I going!! We are not as small as the little Chinese people they are used to driving on their bikes!
The history is soo rich here. The district was build over 300 years ago and is one mile behind the Forbidden City (Where the Emporers resided). This district was filled with the tradesman who supplied the goods to the Emporer and the Forbidden City. The man who gave us a tour lives here and spoke of how many generations of his family lived here in this very area (4 generations passed down!).
Next we toured the inside of a current artist in China. This man is very well known in China and even won a Bronze medal from the Governement for a painting that he did. He was a trained apprentice from another artist at a very young age and later developed his own style. He uses water colors from China and oil paints from the "western worlds" and combines them on rice paper and silk to make beautiful art!! Scott and I ended up buying one of China's official flower and stamped with the artist seal and signature. We even got a picture with him and saw his little studio he painted them in!! Soo special and in American dollars was only $30!!! WHAT A STEAL!!!!!
After that we ate at an amazing local dumpling restaurant and headed to the Bullet train station! The train zooms at 300 km/h. We got to Nanjing in 4 hours and the time flew by as we watched the country side. BEAUTIFUL!!!! ( and a very smoothe ride I might add) Sooo we are HERE in Nanjing and just enjoyed some Papa Johns pizza and can't believe we meet our sweet girl TOMORROW!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SO excited! Night y'all!
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