3 coloumn

Saturday, March 23, 2013

God can speak to us, even through cartoons!-June 2012 Adoption Story

June 6, 2012

I was working on more adoption paperwork while the kids were napping and thinking about the conversation I had with my friend Stefanie about making some kind of quilt or baby blanket for MaeLynn. A couple days prior, Scott and I had been talking about if we were sure we had settled on MaeLynn as her (our daughters) name. I have felt pretty sure that God had given us this name but I guess time would tell and prayer on it. At this point in our adoption, people question us all the time saying things like....”Wow your kids are so young, are you sure this is the right time?” .....”Oh don’t you think you should wait until your kids are older?” ....”How do you think you can manage 3 little ones when 2 keep you busy?” I admit, these things do make me unsettled. God called us to this. Of course I am sure! I KNOW I AM NOT EQUIPPED TO HANDLE 3 LITTLE ONES BUT GOD IS!!!! Well June 6,2012 I got a little nugget or a few nuggets I should say of reassurance.

On this particular day, my kids woke up from their naps a little early so I turned on PBS and fixed them a snack so I could finish up my paperwork I was working on. The show Arther was coming on and I usually don’t let them watch that show but the title came up pretty quickly...Binky gets a baby sister. I thought that sounded fitting so I let them continue to watch.

As it played in the background, I heard Binkys mom tell her son that he was going to be a big brother and that they were adopting from China. I couldn’t believe my ears and suddenly I was glued to the TV. The show continued with Binky being excited but confused about why they couldn’t travel now. Their mom explained the long process and that it could take a year or more to complete the process. I could not believe how detailed the show was with EXACTLY what we were going through.

Binky and his family had lots of paperwork, family adoption photos and even a home study visit! Just when i thought it couldn’t get any stranger, Binky comes down his stairs and finds his mom working on a quilt for his baby sister. She said she was working on a Bai Jia Bei or 100 Well Wishes quilt and explains how this is a tradition for new babies in the family from Northern China! This was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Oh God is good!!!!

And just when I couldn’t believe any more...Binky and his family finally get travel approval to go get their baby girl. As they make it to China, they arrive at the office and everyone is very excited. The nannies from the orphanage walk out with this adorable little girl and they say...” Here you go..her name is MaeLynn”! (MeiLin) I was in shock and started to cry. It got really clear to me in that moment that I had a divine appointment to see this show. We had a little girl out there, she was going to get a special Chinese quilt called a Bai Jia Bei and we were to name her MaeLynn!!!!

As the tears started to flow I felt so connected to God. The God of the universe of billions of people know me so individually that he wanted to send me a message...through a cartoon...that he knows me....loves me....knows are daughter...loves her and this is RIGHT WHERE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!

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